Product Manager and
Digital Strategist

Specializing in strategy for Enterprise-level websites in SaaS, E-Commerce and Higher Education.

Web Developer and Digital Strategist for


Senior Product Manager for

I also build and design websites for small businesses looking to refresh their brand or take control of editing their own content.

Web Design and
Brand Strategy

Website last updated in 2014? I can handle that.
Need to migrate off your ex’s server? No sweat.
Don’t have a website? I’ve got you covered.

Crafted with Care

Whether your product is web or software based – I want users to get what they came for, and be pleased with their experience along the way.

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Graphic Design

In my journey through managing the internet, I stopped along the way doing Graphic Design for both print and web.


About Me

As the daughter of a Rocket Scientist and a Flute Maker, my background is varied and short-story ready.


Fine Art

Explore a range of craft from painting to jewelry making and more.

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